Spring Time Yard Maintenance – 10 Ways to Make Your Yard Look Awesome for Under $100

Happy Spring Neighbors!

Springtime is upon us and the reality is yard work is a necessity in order to keep our neighborhood amongst the most attractive neighborhoods in Bullitt County, and in the Louisville metro area.   We want our neighborhood to be one of choice, and we always want to put our best foot forward and show everyone that we take great pride in the community in which we live.  With that said, below are a few tips and reminders regarding keeping your properties well kept at all times.  Remember, keeping up with the exterior of your homes not only benefits yourself with increased property value and curb appeal, it also helps to keep neighbors from complaining about other neighbors who let their yards become unruly.

Important Reminders:

Keep a Schedule – make sure you are maintaining your yard by cutting the grass weekly.

Landscaping – some see this as a relaxing afternoon, while others may dread it, but nevertheless, it is something that is necessary and vital to all of our properties. Please make sure to maintain your landscaping /shrubbery.  Whether you do it yourself or hire a professional, please keep landscaping as part of your yard maintenance schedule


Owning a home can be a lot of work, and it can be costly, especially when you have a sizable property. But there are some basic things you can do to keep your yard looking awesome without spending a ton of cash.

Here are 10 things you can do to keep your yard in tip-top shape while spending less than $100.

1. Plant Stuff

A good-looking yard is full of life. Plant some shrubs in your front yard, perhaps even a couple tall bushes to frame your doorway. Buy some different types of flowers and plant them in spots that get good sunlight, and water them frequently. (Consider planting perennials, like roses and mums, which can bloom for multiple seasons.) To get started, you’ll want to invest in some decent soil, which can be purchased relatively cheaply at your local home improvement store.

2. Trim Stuff

It’s great to have trees, bushes, and plants to give life to your yard, but things can get overgrown if you don’t keep an eye on them. Trim any tree branches that are close to your house or over your neighbor’s yard. Keep your hedges at a nice, consistent height. Cut away any vines creeping over your fences. You can handle most trimming work with a decent pair of long clippers and a band saw. Cordless, rechargeable hedge trimmers can also be useful and are often available for under $100.

3. Pull Weeds

If you have plants, you will have weeds. And weeds are your enemy. Luckily, they are easy to spot, and usually easily pulled out of flower beds. Use RoundUp or a similar product to kill any weeds in stubborn areas, like along the cracks in your sidewalk and driveway.

4. Rake

Get those leaves up! Leaves on the yard can look pretty for a while, but after a short time they start to block any sun from reaching your grass. A couple good days of raking will do the trick, but you could also blow those leaves away with a gas or battery powered blower.

5. Lay Down Mulch

Putting some mulch in your gardens serves several purposes. A thick layer of mulch makes it harder for weeds to grow, and also protects plant roots from getting scorched by the sun in the summer. Moreover, a good, dark mulch can help make the color from flowers petals really pop. You can get a bag of mulch for just a few bucks, so it’s one of the best investments for your yard. Tip: Always buy a bag or two more than you think you might need.

6. Edge

To make things look extra-nice, you’ll want to sharpen things up by creating a hard edge between your lawn and garden beds, and along any sidewalks or driveways. You can do this by hand in small areas using a trowel, but it’s also worth investing less than $100 in a cordless or gas-powered edger. (Some edgers have replaceable heads that allow you to turn the machine into a weed-wacker or other tool.)

7. Power Wash Your House

What’s the point of sprucing up your yard if the house looks filthy? After enduring heavy rain, intense sun and other assaults, the exterior of your house is bound to get dirty. Vinyl siding might get stained or discolored, brick and stone walls look dingy, and the roof looks grimey. You can blast your house clean by investing in a good gas-powered washer. It’s possible to buy one for under $100, or you could rent one a couple times a year to keep your house looking spiffy.

8. Paint

Look around your house for any faded or peeling spots, and get to work with a few gallons of paint. This won’t set you back much, and it’s a job most people can do themselves. Pay special attention to things like front doors, window ledges, deck railings, and shutters.

9. Tend to Your Lawn

It’s easy to just mow the lawn and forget about it, but if you want one of the nicest yards in the neighborhood, you’ll have to do some extra work. Each fall, you’ll want to spend some time thatching out any dead stuff — there are special rakes you can buy at a low price, or even machines to rent. Once that’s done, lay down new seed. This may mean you’ll have to buy or rent a spreader, but those are usually available for under $100. Bags of seed will run you about $50 each. Water your lawn and feed it fertilizer in the spring. This will ensure your lawn comes up nice, healthy and green.

10. Build a Firepit

It’s really fun to sit out back and enjoy the warmth of a fire on a cool night, and a firepit can be a great accent to any yard. Top-of-the-line firepits can be expensive to install, but you can easily make one yourself using some flat stones and cement or mortar on a gravel surface. (Here’s one person who claims to have built a firepit for only $8.)